TOKYO JAN 27-28, 2021



Ingrid Haug

Design Matters


Welcome to Design Matters!

Ingrid will open the conference by introducing the theme for the first day, New Movements in Digital Design.

Throughout the day we will explore upcoming trends for digital design, how to be a designer when the real and the fictional blends together in our products, how to design for the far future, and the next generation of interfaces, typography, and design tools.

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Oliver Reichenstein


Founder & CEO

“Ethics” and Ethics

Facebook is fishing for our email passwords, Amazon is listening to our conversations for laughs, Tik-Tok spying on our kids. The fact that we see so much dirt on the surface, makes it likely, that it’s even worse under the surface. The solution for all of this: “Ethics”. Design ethics! Tech ethics! Business ethics! Ethics for AI! But is it?

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Bianca Berning

Dalton Maag

Creative Director

The Future of Typography

Over the course of the last 40 years, we have seen more changes to the way we communicate than in the time since Gutenberg facilitated mass communication. We have already transitioned from reading mostly on paper to reading predominantly on screens, and have started to engage with written communication in augmented, virtual, and mixed reality technologies.

Despite the yet unknown and untapped possibilities of these new realities, we must never forget that humans are at the center of this. Successfully designing for new technologies requires careful consideration of our physiological limitations, and as designers, we have an obligation to observe this if we are to shape this future.

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Anita Patwardhan Butler


Design Director

Misinformation - A designer’s toolkit to managing misleading information on Twitter

Anita will go deep into design and the tools the team has developed to create an informed and holistic user experience. She’ll talk about Twitter’s role as it relates to managing misleading information — from proactive measures that elevate credible information and accounts to reactive measures that limit the spread of misleading information on Twitter.

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Vitaly Friedman

Smashing Magazine

Co-founder & Editor-in-chief

Creating friendly forms for how humans really think

Web forms don’t have a decent reputation, and rightfully so. Very often they are inaccessible and difficult to use, with awkward live validation and notorious error messages, painful dropdowns, broken logic, and horrendously evil CAPTCHAs in the disguise of street signs and crosswalks. In this session, we’ll learn common pain points that customers experience way too frequently, how to solve them, and how to create an interface that excels at getting the information from the customer in a way that’s friendly, accessible, and obvious — helping conversion and business KPIs along the way. Vitaly will show you the do’s and don’ts for web forms and share insights on human psychology and how people think when they are dealing with a purchase decision, a subscription form for or signing up for a newsletter

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Simone Rebaudengo

Product Designer

**Real Fictional Products**

As ‘fake’ or artificially generated news and people and products fade in our digital feeds daily, as scam products are getting better and better, riding the wave of conspiracy theories, the distinction of what real and what is not is becoming harder and harder for many. At the same time as far away future scenarios of social unrest and climate change are escaping fiction and coming into our reality, what is present and what is future is becoming also quite hard to discern. In some way, what we considered before a quite clear and binary distinction is becoming less and less so. The lines between real and fake, present, and future are getting more and more blurred. Simone will talk about his experience in designing in this blurred space, where products are sometimes real and sometimes fictional.

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Jeannie Huang

Behance by Adobe

Senior Product Designer

The Deliberate Practice of Boredom

We spend so much of our mental energy trying to optimize our time or improve our creative productivity, but boredom is necessary for our creative work. As creatives, the best way to improve our creativity is by deliberately adding boredom and non-work time to our schedules.

Jeannie will guide the audience in defining the right kind of boredom that helps people design better, giving practical and concrete suggestions.

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More to come…

This speaker will be announced soon



Coffee matters


Manami Ueda


Art Director

Designing 'She is'

‘She is’ is a website for Japanese women, inspiring them to live their lives on their own terms.
Manami will talk about how she did the design for the website, and what role the design plays in engaging and empowering the community.

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Sam Horner


Design Lead

Dirty Diapers & Designers

2020 was an exhausting year for many of us, but for Sam it wasn’t just due to the pandemic. A week before lockdown, he became a Dad. Over the year, Sam took time to step away from work and focus on raising his son, and learning to become a father. What he didn’t expect was how many of these lessons would apply to his work in UX. Sam will share a few stories about how learning to become a parent, also taught him how to be a better designer, and design leader.

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Amber Jae Slooten

The Fabricant

Creative Director

Virtual Fashion Design

Our lives are lived more in the digital world by the minute, yet our representation of ourselves has not been very creative. Fashion is still a very physical thing and an extremely pollutive industry, so why shouldn’t we dress ourselves more in the digital world? The Fabricant researches the way we will dress our future selves, will we still have bodies at all? We want the freedom of expression, without harming the planet. We should be able to dress ourselves, wasting nothing but data and exploiting nothing but our imagination.

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Goodbye & Thanks


Ingrid Haug

Design Matters


Welcome back!

Ingrid will introduce the theme for second the day of the conference, The Danish Design Attitude.

Throughout the day we will explore how the Danish design tradition has shaped our practice as digital designers with a unique approach to democratic work practices, user participation, simplicity, crafting, and a high standard for quality work.

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Marcus Fuchs


Design Director

Branding through the interface

Design is shaping our entire society, from the furniture and kitchen utensils in our home, and the interface on our phone, to our cities and urban spaces. Design is everywhere and it’s changing the current situations to new desired ones. But how do we ensure that the new design improves our current situation? How do we design for the better of people and society, and not just to improve technology and the economy?

Danish design is renowned for its simplicity and craftsmanship, but also for thinking about society at large. In this talk, Marcus will explore if it is possible to find some answers in the classic Danish design tradition, if we should re-evaluate well-known principles from the Bauhaus movement, or simply define a set of next generation design principles?

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Lesley Price

The Index Project

Communication Director

Design: Superfluous or Saviour?

Over the past few decades, design has emerged as one of the most fundamental practices — helping us, as humans, understand, engage with and shape the world around us. But, can it offer solutions to the world’s countless and most critical problems?

In this talk, Lesley discusses design to serve real-world needs and its evolution to today’s exciting and complex design climate. She explores emerging trends that offer a glimpse into our future, from using biology to create living, breathing solutions to envisioning futures we must avoid.

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Coffee break


Nicolas Arroyo


Director of Foresight

Democratising Futures

The future is not a distant place in the unknown, but rather a tangible place in the present, a constant construction of thoughts, ideas, decisions, actions, and images of what is possible tomorrow.
We need a new language and a new approach to address the future that goes beyond the futurists as the magical oracle and uses the future as a hands-on democratic process, a collective creative practice, a new organizational culture, and a critical mindset of inquiry.

In this talk, Nicolas will share how for the past 7 years Bespoke has been helping firms and institutions around the world transform into the next generation of organizations, incorporating Futures Design as a core practice to learn how to use uncertainty as an asset for innovation, creativity and for the development of more sustainable and systemic solutions for tomorrow.

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Christian Bason

Danish Design Centre


Design for corporate innovation: Leading transformation in complex organisations

In this talk, Christian Bason will share fresh insights from a new study among directors of leading corporate “x labs” – digital transformation teams, innovation labs, and design studios. What are the opportunities and challenges they face, what methods and approaches do they deploy, and how do they measure success?

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Brady Mason


Head of Product

Match. Chat. Get Tattooed. How digital design is transforming the tattoo industry

The tattoo community is growing stronger and stronger around the globe, and so is the tattoo industry. Despite this, as an industry, it is still primarily off-screen. How can it be digitalized? Tattoodo, the world’s largest platform for tattoo, culture, and lifestyle, born in Copenhagen, is managing to do exactly this. Brady will dive into the challenges and excitement of cracking the traditional codes of the tattoo community. With a focus on design and creative expression, he is finding ways to digitalize a fast-growing yet predominantly non-digital industry.

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Damion Bailey


Senior UX & Design Manager

Building trust in a better future

Trust, or “tillid” in the native tongue, is fundamental in Danish society and is seen as an accelerant for progress. Damion will share the importance of “tillid” in the design of products for electrical cars and their drivers.

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Christina Melander

Danish Design Centre

Programme Director

The Danish Design DNA: Insights into design as an enabler to sustainable value creation

Design is so embedded into the Danish society due to a very long design track record. Since the late 1990’s design has been high on the Danish political agenda as a global competitive stronghold. In this talk, Christina Melander will share insights from a comprehensive mapping of the values that constitute the Danish design DNA and Danish design approach to sustainable value creation.

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Coffee break


Alberto Vitullo

Charlie Tango

Head of Design

In between branding and digital product design

How do we make the right brand decisions for digital products? And how do we avoid that our product ends up looking the same as the competitors? Digital design done right utilizes branding to differentiate products on the market, and UX to deliver value. Brand design done right utilizes digital as a canvas to structure future proof experiences.
Alberto will share the story on how he and his team created a simple matrix to move across a wide range of design decisions that exist between brand DNA and product development. In his talk, he will present this method, and how it can be used to design better and more unique digital products.

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Mitsuko Sato


Visual Design Lead

Finding Patterns In Chaos

Mitsuko will talk about how SPACE10 stands out in researching and designing products and ideas to enable a better everyday life for people and the planet. You will discover how their research and innovative thinking addresses some of the major societal changes which are expected to affect people and our planet in the years to come.

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Thomas Holst Sørensen


Creative Director

Design at LEGO

LEGO makes some of the world’s most inspiring toys for children, and as a company, it has a unique, creative DNA. Thomas will speak about the creative processes at LEGO, from idea to final product design.

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